Different than most of the money-management programs already in the public domain, Camp Millionaire takes an entertaining approach to teach financial concepts to people of all ages.
Camp Millionaire makes it fun and comfortable for participants to explore their own personal financial ideas and provides easy-to-use tools that can be put to immediate use. It’s an experience that will change the way they think about and deal with money.
The Camp Millionaire Mission
The Camp’s mission is to empower participants to create financial independence in their lives. They are exposed to the words, concepts and principles behind financial freedom and the curriculum is based on simple, easy-to-follow, easily understood financial management principles. Camp Millionaire is a fun-filled, interactive and innovative approach to Financial Literacy training, is very suitable for kids, teens, and adults, too, and is taught using age-appropriate language. Camp Millionaire is a major step forward in providing life skills for participants to help put them on the road to financial freedom. It is fun, high-spirited, educational, and provides “lessons that will last a lifetime!”
Some of the many topics explored include:
How your beliefs and attitudes influence how you make and handle your money;
Understanding the “energy” of money;
How to take control of managing your money (including budgeting);
The difference between earning and making money, i.e., putting money to work for you;
How to make your money grow;
The difference between “needs” and “wants;” and
The concept of “Dream Boards.
The Money Animals
In one of our first camp exercises, we introduce the concept of "money types" using animals and ask the participants, “What animal are you?”
They are given five choices:
The Money Wonk: Cassie the Cat—She doesn’t feel money is worth her time or energy. Money is beneath her and she just can’t be bothered.
The Saver: Sammy the Squirrel—Sammy likes to save for things he wants to buy and for a rainy day in case he needs money for something.
The Avoider: Olivia the Ostrich—She hates dealing with money. She avoids paying bills, looking at credit card statements or paying back debts.
The Spender: Manny the Monkey—He spends every cent as soon as he gets it on useless, valueless “stuff”. He often spends more than he has and never has any saved.
Ernest the Eagle—He is wise, studies hard, saves his money and makes smart investments that help ensure he will lead a life of financial freedom.
​This exercise gets the participants started on thinking about their own spending habits, makes them aware of the money habits of others and helps them put their own spending characteristics in perspective.
The Money Game

​​In yet another exercise, we talk about what you need to win The Money Game. Similar to other sports activities, when playing The Money Game, you have the following:
A Coach (financial advisor).
A Ball (the energy of money).
Team Players (bosses, co-workers, employees).
Fans (family, friends, supporters).
A Stadium (where you play the game).
A Snack Bar (where you enjoy and share the great things in life).
What’s missing here, we ask? Answer–THE RULES! (a.k.a. Camp Millionaire Principles--20 principles that are then introduced and discussed.)